




Use prior experiences 和 knowledge to develop, 应用, 和 reflect on new knowledge 和 skills in navigating academic 和 nonacademic aspects of college.


Identify 和 应用 personal values 和 skills towards navigating college culture, 生涯探索, 目标设定.

确定和使用合适的校园人员, 组, 和 information resources to solve academic 和 nonacademic challenges.

应用 essential academic skills toward current course work.

Analyze 和 应用 non-academic behaviors that facilitate success as a college student.


Please look at the 大学101年 Faculty p年龄 for a current list of instructors.


The discussions 和 assignments are focused on giving you the opportunity to put into practice the skills you are learning in the class. Learning 和 growth take practice 和 reflection 和 I am here to support your efforts. All assignments in this course will be marked as either Complete (all rubric criteria are met), 不完整(还没有完全完成), 查看我的反馈, 修改你的工作, 和 resubmit your assignment) or Not Submitted.

Discussions – there will be 11 discussions worth 2 points each. Your lowest discussion score will be dropped. (20分)

Assignments – there will be 11 assignments worth 2 points each. Your lowest assignment score will be dropped. (20分)

Storytelling Assignment – What is your educational story? 在这个作业中, which you will be working on throughout the semester, you will tell your story in both written 和 digital formats. (10分)

Here's a Sample of a Student Storytelling Assignment Video, created by Stefanie Ann Pacheco (a 大学101年 student in Fall, 2020).


A total of 50 points are available in the class. 每个等级需要的分数是:

A(90-100%) - 45-50分

B(80-89%) - 40-44分

C(70-79%) - 35-39分

D(60-69%) - 30-34分

F(0-59%) - 0-29分

You also have the option to take the class Pass/No Pass. Visit 招生 和 记录 (Links to an external site.) Cranium Cafe window (online services) 和 request the form for Pass – No Pass.

检查 academic calendar (Links to an external site.) 填写表格的截止日期.


You should plan on submitting everything by the due date because it has many benefits for you! 它可以帮助你管理时间, gives you the full opportunity to interact with the class in discussion forums, 和 allows time for me to provide feedback that you can use to improve. That being said, life happens 和 if you really need to turn something in late, you can. There is a one week grace period during which you can submit late assignments with no penalty 和 no questions asked. Beyond that, just send me a mess年龄 和 we'll work it out. But, speaking of life - time man年龄ment 和 avoiding procrastination are important life skills! Check out these resources if you want to work on them: 时间管理 (给忙碌的大学生的建议)和 不拖延 (精神/转变). These are topics we will be talking about in the class too.


If you are a student with a disability requiring classroom accommodations 和 have not yet contacted 残疾学生服务 (SSD),请尽快这样做. SSD is located in the 学生服务 Annex, room 175. 您也可以调用SSD at (818) 947-2681 或运输大亨 (818) 947-2680 去见SSD的顾问. If SSD has already sent the memo confirming accommodations required for this class, 请与我联系商讨安排.


Plagiarism is the use of others’ words 和/or ideas without clearly acknowledging their source. This includes when you google something 和 read about it online. When you incorporate those words 和 ideas into your own work, you need to give credit where credit is due. 学习如何给学分,靠 引用你的消息来源, is an important skill to learn for college 和 there are a lot of great tutorials out there. It’s important to learn how to do this because plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty 和 is a serious issue. Anyone found to be plagiarizing or cheating on assignments or exams (e.g., copying from a website or another student) may (1) receive a zero on the assignment, 和 (2) may be referred to the Vice President of 学生服务 for further disciplinary action, 遵循正当程序. 为进一步 有关抄袭的资料; go to the 写作中心 website 和 refer to the St和ards of Student Conduct 和 Disciplinary Action in the current 课程时间表和目录.


If you need to drop the class, make sure to do so using the 学生资讯系统 (查看日历上的截止日期). Showing up is the best predictor of student success! If you don’t log in for a week, I will get concerned 和 will be in touch. If you miss more than a week 和 don’t contact me I will think you’re not coming back 和 may exclude you, 所以一定要保持联系. 如果你真的要放弃这门课, check in with me first so we can see if there are any other options. 请 与咨询师交谈 to discuss how dropping may impact your financial aid or your academic status with the college.


  • Log in to Canvas often 和 be there for the zoom sessions! Attendance is a good predictor of student success.
  • Mess年龄 me in Canvas, come by student drop in hours or make an appointment to see me. 有问题,有评论? 大家一起说!
  • 写作中心一般的辅导 (两者均免费提供给LAVC学生).
  • 一个更大的列表 校园资源 is available online 和 will be covered in the class.